How PRF Hair Loss Rejuvenation Can Restore Your Hair Naturally | Hair Loss Treatment in Nashville, TN

How PRF Hair Loss Rejuvenation Can Restore Your Hair Naturally | Hair Loss Treatment in Nashville, TN


Hair loss affects both men and women, often impacting confidence and self-esteem. Factors like genetics, aging, and stress can lead to thinning hair, prompting many to seek effective restoration treatments. Fortunately, there are solutions to help reverse this process!

At Sunday Skin, we offer a hair rejuvenation treatment using Platelet-Rich Fibrin, also known as PRF. PRF offers a natural, cutting-edge solution for hair rejuvenation. By using the body’s own platelets and growth factors to stimulate hair follicles, PRF promotes natural hair growth with minimal risks. This innovative therapy is becoming a popular choice for those looking to restore fuller, healthier hair.

What is PRF?

Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) is a cutting-edge, all-natural treatment for hair loss that harnesses the body's own regenerative abilities. It is created by drawing a small sample of the patient’s blood, which is spun at a low speed to separate and concentrate platelets, fibrin, and growth factors. This process creates a potent mix that stimulates hair follicles, promoting natural hair growth and rejuvenation.

Compared to Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), PRF is more advanced due to its higher concentration of healing components and its 100% natural composition. While PRP often includes additives, PRF is completely free from additives, making it a safer and more effective option with longer-lasting results.

How Does PRF Work for Hair Loss and what’s the treatment like?

The PRF hair loss treatment begins with a simple blood draw from the patient. The blood is then spun in a centrifuge at a low speed, which separates the platelets, fibrin, and growth factors from other components. This concentrated fibrin matrix, rich in healing properties, is injected into targeted areas of the scalp. Once injected, the growth factors in PRF stimulate dormant hair follicles, improve blood circulation to the scalp, and promote the natural regrowth of hair. By enhancing follicle health and triggering new hair growth, PRF offers a natural, effective solution for hair rejuvenation.

Who is a Good Candidate for PRF Hair Rejuvenation?

Ideal candidates for PRF hair loss rejuvenation are those in the early stages of hair thinning or individuals looking to strengthen weak hair follicles before significant hair loss occurs. PRF is especially effective for both men and women experiencing pattern baldness or thinning hair, as it works to stimulate and rejuvenate dormant hair follicles. By improving blood flow and delivering essential growth factors directly to the scalp, PRF can slow down hair loss, thicken existing hair, and promote natural regrowth. This treatment is particularly beneficial for individuals seeking a natural, non-surgical approach to address early signs of hair loss.

What to Expect During and After the Treatment

A typical PRF hair loss treatment session lasts around 45 minutes. The process is relatively comfortable, with only mild discomfort during the injections. At Sunday Skin we offer comfort tools such as stress balls, fans, and buzzy bars to aid in any discomfort. Since PRF is a natural treatment derived from the patient’s own blood, recovery time is minimal. Most patients can resume normal activities immediately after the session, with little to no downtime. At Sunday Skin we ask that you do not sweat for 24 hours after your treatment and to sleep with a clean pillowcase to ensure all injection sites stay clean!

Visible results usually appear within 3-6 months as the growth factors gradually stimulate hair follicles and improve hair density. To maximize results, we recommend doing 3 to 4 sessions of PRF hair loss rejuvenation spaced 4-6 weeks apart. 

Real Success Stories and Testimonials

Inserted below is a patient that has received PRF Hair Loss Rejuvenation and started oral supplementation for hair loss. The two treatments were spaced 6 weeks apart and these photos are before his first treatment and after his second treatment. They have two treatments remaining!


PRF offers a highly effective and natural solution for hair loss rejuvenation by harnessing the body’s own growth factors to stimulate hair follicles, improve blood flow, and promote healthy regrowth. With minimal discomfort and recovery time, PRF provides a safe, autologous approach to reversing hair thinning for both men and women. Results typically become visible within 3-6 months, making it an excellent option for those seeking natural hair restoration.

If you’re experiencing hair thinning or pattern baldness, consult with a qualified provider at Sunday Skin, to determine if PRF is the right treatment for you! You can book PRF Hair Loss Rejuvenation, and all other services offered at Sunday Skin, here.

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